Schmidtke, Niamh

Critically examining the creation of 'transmission' and 'aura' in This is Your Economy as anti-capitalist qualities : Critical Studio Refelection Thesis Niamh Schmidtke - Limerick, Ireland Limerick Institute of Technology / Limerick School of Art and Design 2019 - 34p. : Illustrations : 30 cm.

In partial fulfilment of the B.A (Hons.) in Sculpture and Combined Media 2019.

Includes bibliography and references pp. 31 - 34.

This essay critically engages with Timothy Morton's concept of Hyperobjects, Immanuel Kant's aesthetics and Marcel Duchamp's 'gap'. Through this engagement I have formed links between the intangibility of Capitalist modes of production and physical, artistic labour. by critically analysing how each of these philosophical components work together in an abstract way, I have been able to relate these concepts to physical space through their 'transmissible' qualities. For these investigations of Walter Benjamin's concept of transmission, I explore his theory of 'aura', as an anti-commodity quality in object making.

Timothy Morton
Immanuel Kant
Marcel Duchamp

Capitalist qualities

Limerick Institute of Technology

Academic theses

Thesis Sculpture 03/19