Retail Design : Theoretical Perspectives / [E-Book] Ann Petermans, Anthony Kent. - 1 online resource (246 pages : 15 illustrations).

Chapter 1.Introduction Anthony Kent and Ann Petermans  Chapter 2. Retail Design: a contextual lens Ann Petermans and Anthony Kent  Chapter 3. Retail Design: What’s in The Name? Katelijn Quartier  Chapter 4. Retail Formats Filipe Campelo Xavier da Costa, Gabriel Gallina and Marcelo Halpern  Chapter 5. Retail Environments Bethan Alexander and Anthony Kent  Chapter 6. From Clicks-and-Bricks to Online-to-Offline: The Evolving E-tail/Retail Space as Immersive Media in Hong Kong and Mainland China Tommy Tse and Tsang Ling Tung  Chapter 7. Heritage, Adaptive Reuse and Regeneration in Retail Design Bie Plevoets and Koenraad Van Cleempoel  Chapter 8. Evaluating Retail Design Martin Knox  Chapter 9. Communication and Stakeholders Tiiu Poldma  Chapter 10. Online Retail Design Delia Vazquez and Anthony Kent  Chapter 11. Globalisation and Localisation: the High-End Fashion Retail Perspective Bhakti Sharma  Chapter 12. The Future of Retail and Retail Design Henri Christiaans

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9781317064565 Ingram Content Group