Little, Pippa.

An Exploration of the Artistic Process through an Empirical Study. [ PhD thesis] / Pippa Little. - Limerick : Limerick School of Art and Design/LIT, 2011. - 3 Vols. 259p, 312p, 198p. : ill., ; 30cm

The research focuses on artistic process and examines it against creativity literature and establishes some implications for contemporary curatorial practice. The context for this investigation was empirical data drawn from the field of contemporary visual art. One of the key outcomes of this research has been the identification of a lexicon of creativity developed from the analysis of the artists experiences. This research justifies the need for curators to focus on playing a number of important facilitative roles, of coaching, mentoring and advising, for the artists whose work they curate.

Thesis submitted for PhD in Art and Design (Level 10).

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

Contents: Introduction, Literature review, methodology, findings and discussions, Applications and recommendations, references, List of figures, List of tables, Appendices.

Theses (PhD)--LSAD--Clare Street.
Art and Design theses.
Artists --process.
Art museum--curators.

Thesis Ph.D. 11/01