Desmond, Philip.

Without self-expression how can one have a sense of self-identity? education, adolescence and self-identity: establishing possible factors of negative impact to creativity. [Extended Essay] / Philip Desmond. - Limerick : Limerick Institute of Technology/Limerick School of Art and Design ; 2016 - 34p. : ill (some col) . : 30cm

Thesis submitted for B.A. (Hons) in Print (Fine Art) 2016

Includes bibliographical references.

With education systems in their current state, we are potentially losing our creative capacities, according to Ken Robinson, '...we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it' (Robinson 2006). Creativity may be used by anyone to express emotions as well as communicate messages with the freedom of speech through imagery, sound, video etc. The fact that we are potentially losing this capability may result in a loss of self-identity causing anxiety and depression, 'When we pretend to be or feel what we are not, we deny ourselves the enjoyment of who we really are' (Scherer 2003 p.191). I argue that creativity can allow for expression of self, as does Scherer. Without self-expression how can one have a sense of self-identity? Without self-expression, it seems unlikely that we will have a true sense of self-identity. We become who others want us to be and drift away from being the person we truly are. [Abstract]

Education systems.
Ken Robinson.
Print theses
Extended essays--Print.
Theses--LSAD--Clare Street

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