Irish Wave 2016/ Birth of a Nation. [Exhibition catalogue] / Curated by Niamh Cunningham, Fion Gunn and Gail Ritchie. - [Unknown] : Culture Ireland, 2016. - 57p.: col. ill. ; 18 cm.

Catalogue (Birth of a Nation/Ning Space:-12th -20th March, 2016)(Identity/Emerging Arts Research Center:-12th-16th March 2016)(Shanghai Exhibtion/Sanwei Art Center:-19th March-9th April, 2016). The three IRISH WAVE exhibitions investigate the themes of identity, the legacy of conflict and the Artist's struggle to find meaning and creative integrity. The exhibitions present an atypical East-west discussion. [] They are a conversation between two cultures which both experienced colonisation on different sides of the globe and which have significant Diasporas. (From Catalogue)

National identity and Art.

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