Koutsomichalis, Marinos.

Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider [electronic book]. - Packt Publishing, 2013. - 1 online resource.

Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Scoping, Plotting, and Metering; Plotting audio, numerical datasets, and functions; Using plot and plot graph; Using plotter; Using SoundFileView; Scoping signals; Scoping waveforms; Scoping spectra; Metering levels; Monitoring signals; Monitoring numerical data; Nonstandard and complex visualizers; Nonstandard visualizers; A complex scope; Summary; Chapter 2: Waveform Synthesis; Waveform synthesis fundamentals; Time domain representation; Waveform species. DC, amplitude, frequency, and phaseCustom waveforms generators; Wavetable lookup synthesis; Using envelopes as wavetables; Custom aperiodic waveform generators; Waveform transformations; Waveshaping; Unary operations; Binary operations; Bitwise operations; Summary; Chapter 3: Synthesizing Spectra; Introducing the frequency domain; Spectra; Fast Fourier Transform in SuperCollider; Synthesizing the spectra; Aggregating and enriching spectra; Sculpting and freezing spectra; Shifting, stretching, and scrambling spectra; Using the pvcalc method; Visualizing spectra; Limitations of spectral scoping. Optimizing spectra for scopingSummary; Chapter 4: Vector Graphics; Learning the vector graphics fundamentals; Drawing primitive shapes and loading images; Complex shapes and graphics state; Introducing colors, transparency, and gradients; Abstractions and models; Objects and prototypes; Factories; Geometrical transformations, matrices, and trailing effects; Complex structures; Particle systems; Fractals; Summary; Chapter 5: Animation; Fundamentals of motion; Motion species; Using UserView; Animating complex shapes and sprites; Fundamental animation techniques; Trailing effects. Interaction and event-driven programmingParticle systems; Advanced concepts; Animating fractals; Adding dynamics to simulate physical forces; Kinematics; Summary; Chapter 6: Data Acquisition and Mapping; Data acquisition; Dealing with local files; Accessing data remotely; Using OSC; Using MIDI; Using Serial Port; Machine listening; Tracking amplitude and loudness; Tracking frequency; Timbre analysis and feature detection; Onset detection and rhythmical analysis; Basic mappings; Preparing and preprocessing data on client side; Preparing and preprocessing data on server side. Basic encodings and interpolation schemesSharing and distributing data; Summary; Chapter 7: Advanced Visualizers; Audio visualizers; Trailing waveforms; Spectrogram; Music visualizers; Rotating windmills; Kinematic patterns; Visualizing and sonifying data; Particles and grains; Fractalizer; Summary; Chapter 8: Intelligent Encodings and Automata; Analyzing data; Statistical analyses and metadata; Probabilities and histograms; Dealing with textual datasets; Advanced mappings; Complex and intelligent encodings; Neural networks; Automata; Cellular automata; Game of Life; Summary.

This book is a standard guide with numerous code examples of practical applications. It will help you advance your skills in creating sophisticated visualizations while working with audio-visual systems. This book is ideal for digital artists and sound artists who are familiar with SuperCollider and who wish to expand their technical and practical knowledge of mapping and visualization. It is assumed that you already have some experience with the SuperCollider programming language and are familiar with the fundamental audio synthesis techniques.

9781783289684 (ebook) 1783289686 (e-book)

547041 MIL

SuperCollider (Computer file)

Audio-visual materials.
Software synthesizers.
Computer composition.

Electronic books.